City-Owned Cemeteries: Search Our Burial Records
On this page, you can search by the first few letters of a deceased person's last name and/or first name, to see all burials in all
City-owned cemeteries, whose names begin with those letters. (By default, this listing shows all last names starting with "A.")
You should enter as many letters as you know to reduce
the search results, as the current database contains almost 21,000 records total.
By default, your search string must appear at the beginning of either the first or last name. For example, searching for BRI in the last name would return the last name
BRIEN but would not return the last name O'BRIEN. To find your search string anywhere within the last or first name, start your search with the wildcard character %.
Using the wildcard character, searching for the first name %BRI would return the first name BRIAN as well as GABRIEL.